Happy Memories

Happy Memories

Sadly my Jack Russell Bongi passed away after living with a congenital heart condition for a few months; I feel I have lost my best friend and cycling buddy.

I now have a whole bunch of happy memories of my time with my beautiful canine companion and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Colin, the inventor of the Buddyrider® for his wonderful product. Bongi and I have enjoyed many cycling adventures together over the years and, last year we made a special journey up the wind and rain-swept Outer Hebrides for a local charity in the UK, using Sustrans routes: 140 miles Coast to Coast; 214 miles Glasgow to Inverness; 213 miles Carlisle to Glasgow and 185 miles Hebridean Way. Together we raised hundreds of pounds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society here in the UK.

None of the trips we have undertaken would have been possible without the Buddyrider®, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the freedom this product gave us to cycle together.

Cycling will never be the same without my canine navigator.

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